Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yeah, I just like to say write that word.

Cuz, you know, it makes the slumlords, poverty pimps, and thug-huggers crinnnnnnnnnnnge in fear.

Suck it, bitches.  You are finished.  Pack it in and move to Arizona while you still can.


  1. Sounds like you are about as sick and tired of being used like some of those from JHG.

    Want to have a guest spot on our site?

    We have some info whereas the gay community is royally being used! Or at least they trying to be used. We are not going to take it.


  2. Tell me more about this - I am very interested.

  3. Ooooo, now there's a new trick. Jordan Jerkman trying to create the illusion that he/they are part of the gay community.

    Is that your Patrick personality coming out?

    That's okay, dear. We all have several personalities. Some of us just need them for company and companionship a bit more than those of us that have a real life.

    Now, run along and see if you can scare up any new tactics to make us think there are real, live, actual northsiders playing house with you. We already know there aren't.

  4. Hey Megan darling,
    How's you finances???? Need a good bankruptcy attorney??? John can always show you the best places to sell bodily bodily fluids.
    Maybe you should join the National Guard too, and see what benefits you can scam the the government.
    Wherrrrrrrre's Johnny!!

  5. Good Advice - I knew I kept that John around for something. I'll check into all those suggestions, thanks!
